I've been too busy to post lately so I thought I would take a few minutes to get the world out there up to speed with what I'm doing.
The troupe is getting ready for some really big shows in the next few months. First there is Rakkasah, which I won't be going to, followed by the "WEI Dance For Change" show on March 6th, (for more info click here), and after that is "Mujeres" in mid-April.
So far we are working on a classical piece, a finger veil routine with lots of crazy spins, a Saidi, a debke, one super fun Bollywood choreo, and today we'll be learning a drum solo. That means we'll be rehearsing 2-3 times a week for the next few months. Whew!!
Somewhere in all of this I need to find the time to make some jewelry for myself and some Valentine's jewelry for my daughter. Housework and laundry be damned! I'll be a dancing and a beading!
*As busy as I am, I do feel a little sad that I'll be missing Tucson this year. Oh well, there's always next year.*
A journal of my thoughts as I bead, belly dance, drink tea, and chase a busy curious toddler around the house.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
Hello 2010-Belly Dance Goals

This post has been sitting in the "drafts" folder for 3 days now so I'm taking a quick break from house work to throw this out into the universe.
Now that my color report projects are finished and in the mail, it's time for me to concentrate on my belly dance goal for this year. It's short, sweet, and to the point.
Intensive study of belly dance technique.
Steps and combinations are easy and just about anyone can do them. I'd like to spend the year studying the technical aspects of belly dance and elevate my dancing from good to spectacular.
Private lessons and regular classes with Ava, troupe rehearsals, a fairly decent collection of DVD's, and on-line classes with Suhalia will get me started.
Yup, short, sweet, to the point, and unedited for content. Back to cleaning! :-)
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Hello 2010-Beading Goals

Happy New Year everyone!!! Did you make any New Year's resolutions? If you didn't, you're not alone because I didn't either. Resolutions seem too stern and inflexible to me. I prefer the forward momentum and flexibility of goals.
My main beading goal for this year are is to continue reducing the mountain of PIPs (projects-in-progress) to a small hill.
Two beading contests that have piqued my interest are "Haute Couture" and "Use the Muse." I'd like to unofficially participate in at least one of these before this year is over. I say "unofficially" because both of these are jewelry related contests. I've been making beaded jewelry for about 20 years and it's time for a change. And as an unofficial enterant I don't have to worry about a deadline.
A few years ago, when Margie Deeb held a violet and yellow color challenge, my entry was a liquid dish soap bottle that I covered entirely in beads. "Mannequin" took 1st runner-up. I had one helluva good time making it and it is one of my favorite pieces of beaded art.
More! I want to do more!
Even though this isn't a goal, and as much as I enjoy doing bead work for publication in books and magazines, I've decided to postpone that until the Toddler Tornado is in pre-school. Assuming I send her to pre-school. Educating my l'il darling is a whole 'nother issue. To home school or not to home school, that is the question. Oh! But I will continue to participate in Margie's color reports. I can't give up my color challenges!
But, I digress.....So, what am I doing this year? Making beady mountains into beady mole hill and recycling interestingly shaped plastic and glass bottles into beaded art work!
bead work,
beaded art work,
New Year's goals
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