At least that's what I'm calling this necklace until I can come up with a different and better name. I'm also open for suggestions.
I actually have an idea for a pink punk necklace. I came across some enameled steam punk style charms, beads, and findings in all sorts of candy bright colors, and that got me to thinking......
But, I digress.
This is an unfinished project that I came across while looking for something else in my bead closet. As to what my original idea was I am completely clueless. And I also have no idea as to what the finished necklace is going to look like. It's so rare that I ever plan a project out from beginning to end. I start with beads, needles, and a vague idea of what I will make and let the project evolve from there. I love improv beading!
The part that may not be so improvisational is the neck strap. I've been toying with the idea of either a tubular herringbone strap or a silk cord that I can carry some sort of embellishing up onto. Then again, I could always do the embellishing idea on the herringbone strap with some beaded bead end caps and a button toggle.
Then again....I could do a multiple strand of seed beads; or a single strand of glass & crystal; or this could be the focal piece of a multi-strand necklace.
See what I mean? This is why my work is rarely ever planned out. There are just so many wonderful options available.
Here's an almost, but not quite finished, photo of one of my color report projects. I debated back and forth as to whether this should be a pendant or a brooch until a FB friend mentioned wearing brooches with scarves and sweaters. Now that got me to thinking! If I make this into a brooch then I can crochet a scarf or shawl to go with it. It's the same as making a necklace then buying an outfit to go with it, or vice versa.
The brooch is finished, the shawl pattern has been found, now I just need to hunt up the yarn.....
My color report projects are at Margie's house waiting to be photographed and I'm moving on to my next beading project. Think fuchsia, chartreuse, gold, and black. Think Swarovski!
The Oyster Gray project is moving slowly along. At this point I can't decide if this is going to be a pendant, a brooch, or as a FaceBook friend suggested, a bracelet.
I definitely wear more pendants, but at this point I have about a bazillion necklaces. A brooch would be fun, interesting, and a bit different for me. Jan, another FB friend, mentioned that she wears brooches with shawls & sweaters in the winter. Now, that has me thinking! I started teaching myself to crochet back in October so maybe it's time I crochet a scarf or shawl for myself in teal, reddish purple brown, or maybe lipstick red!
I'm not actually turning stones over, but I could use some help in possibly identifying the stone doughnut that I'm using in my current color report project. It's a warm putty gray with a slate gray matrix.
Could it be an agate or some sort of jasper?
It's been a while. It's been a long, long, while. It's not that my life hasn't been busy or exciting, but quite the opposite, just about every second of every minute of every day is jammed packed. But, I've decided to take some time to revive this blog and tease you about my color report projects.
The picture above shows my 3 choices for the Fall/Winter 201o Pantone Color Report. When I'm making my choices for the report I like to pick 3 colors; one for fun, one because I know it will be an easy color for me to work with, and one for the challenge.
Lipstick Red: I love the color red, but rarely ever use it as the main color in my bead work, so I thought this would be a fun and sexy color to work with.
Oyster Gray: I'm not sure how this color is going to like on your monitors so I'll describe it as a warm putty gray with greenish-yellow undertones. I like cool grays with blue or green undertones so this has been the challenging color for me to work with. After 3 false starts I think I'm finally on track with a "sand & sea" theme, but we'll see......
Woodbine: Second to purple, I find greens to be the easiest colors to work with. To give it a bit of interest, I paired it with Endive: a very yellow green; Living Coral: bright, happy orange; Lagoon: a slightly dull teal; and Burnt Sienna: a deep earthy orange from the Fall/Winter 2009 report.