I've been a regular contributor to a variety of bead publications for the past 11 years, but I found myself to be a little bit nervous and a lot bit excited today when I sent off the electronic portion of my submissions for the Fall 2011 issue of Stringing magazine.
I submitted 4 bracelets to be considered for the gallery portion of the magazine. I had plans for making a few necklaces and some earrings, but those ideas fell by the wayside while I did battle with the Snot Monster.
Motherhood has been the main focus over the past three years so my nervousness comes from feeling somewhat out of touch with the beading community. On the one hand, I've never been much of a trend follower, but on the other hand, I do believe I need to at least be aware of what the current fashions are all the rage in Beadlandia.
Wish me luck!
In the meantime, you can see some of my recent work in the Spring 2011 issue of Margie Deeb's Color Report for Bead and Jewelry Designers. And just for this color report, with each purchase, Margie is including a free PDF of instructions for my lovely, lovely Dolphino beaded beads, as seen in the picture above.
Now for a bit of belly dance news:
Three days of rehearsal while doing battle with the aforementioned Snot Monster has left me exhausted, but I've still been able to keep up with my 365 Days of Belly Dance challenge. I'm currently at 89 days and 3,520 minutes of dancing.
Sadly, with all these extra rehearsals I had to give up my tribal class, at least for now. I may be able to return to class in mid-April after the Mujeres 3 show on April 9th. Happily, I did sign up for 6 months of on-line classes with Ansuya and I'll be doing those at least once and possibly twice a week.