Monday, October 5, 2009

30 Day Yoga Challenge Completed!!

WooHoo! On Sept. 30th I completed my personal goal of practicing yoga for 30 days in a row! The biggest part of the challenge was finding the time to practice, but I did it.

My favorite time of day to practice yoga was, and still is, in the early evenings. But, for the past month I practiced whenever I got the chance; first thing in the morning, in the afternoon while my daughter was napping, or in the late evening before bed.

You all know the saying about how everything changes when you have a baby. And boy, does it ever! It even changed the way that I practiced yoga.

Before Indigo Lynne was born my practice was much more ritualized.
It probably took me 10-15 minutes just to prepare my space. I would start by selecting just the right music, light some candles and incense, unroll my yoga mat, lay out Tia Sushi's yoga mat (a bath mat and towel I bought just for her), and make sure that my lavender eye pillow and blanket for Savasana were close at hand.

Now I simply turn on the music, which may or may not have been changed for several days, roll out the mats, and away I go.

All that "prep time" was such an essential part of my practice and there were times in the past month when I have missed it. As I continue with my yoga journey I'm going to look for some quick, toddler safe "preps." Maybe a single candle, or some flowers.......

Of course, nothing can ever replace Tia Sushi.

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