365 Days of Dance-Part Deux
The 365 days of dance started by Lisa Zahiya is picking up steam. Some of my belly dance buddies and a few more of my troupe mates have signed on. Lisa has also started a new blog devoted to her commitment. Reading the comments has been fun. It's interesting to see how people are taking this commitment and making it their own.
There are so many different ways to create your own commitment program: Studio classes, DVD's, on-line classes, video drills, troupe rehearsal, improv dancing, combinations, a whole choreography, technique and drilling, ballet, modern, flamenco. The list just goes on and on!
I've you're looking for some fun video drills, then shimmy on over to Samantha Bordelon-Karim's Inner Dancer website. Or click here to go directly to her video drills. You can also search for her on Youtube under "samanthabordelon."
P.S. That's not me, that's Samantha smiling at you.
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